Urban and Regional Planning

Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2018

  • Vulnerability Assessment of Cyclonic Hazards in Coastal Region of Bangladesh

    Md. Sohel Rana, Md. Abu Saeed Al Azad, Md. Jahidul Islam

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2018
    Pages: 34-43
    Received: 13 March 2018
    Accepted: 28 March 2018
    Published: 26 April 2018
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the hazards that are associated with cyclone and to prepare hazard maps with various intensity (low, medium and high) through questionnaire survey and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method in Paikgacha Upazilla of Khulna District is a major cyclone prone area of Bangladesh. The collected data reveals that s... Show More
  • Urban Resilience in Addis Ketama and Lideta Sub Cities of Addis Ababa: The Case Tekilehaimanot Area Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

    Mesfin Assefa

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2018
    Pages: 44-54
    Received: 24 May 2018
    Accepted: 9 July 2018
    Published: 15 August 2018
    Abstract: The city of Addis Ababa is experiencing wide range of changes in terms of physical, socio-economic, and environmental aspects. Its administration has implementing various programs to re-structure and to create resilient city. However, empirical researchers argue that despite remarkable achievements in restructuring of the city to make it more livab... Show More
  • Planning Green Space for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Review of Green Space in the Central City of Beijing

    Feng Li, Paul Sutton, Hamideh Nouri

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2018
    Pages: 55-63
    Received: 16 September 2018
    Published: 18 September 2018
    Abstract: The ongoing rapid urbanization and its socio-economic impacts on Chinese cities have engendered numerous environmental issues, food insecurity and significant stress on water resources besides accelerating some ecological degradation. Among these issues, urban-heat-island (UHI) and climate change in large cities had drawn much attention so that man... Show More
  • The Comparison and Experiential Learning in the Metropolitan Delta

    Yan Wang, Wei Wu, Luuk Boelens

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2018
    Pages: 64-72
    Received: 16 September 2018
    Published: 18 September 2018
    Abstract: Throughout the history of the world, the development of cities is inseparable from the large water system and the ocean. The world-class urban agglomerations are concentrated on the delta metropolitans that water-affluent areas. Since ancient times, the whole world has commonness in delta`s development. Since the 1980s, the massive urbanization pro... Show More
  • Spatial Characteristics and Migration Mechanism of Population Suburbanization in Chinese Big City

    Qin Xianhong

    Issue: Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2018
    Pages: 73-79
    Received: 16 September 2018
    Published: 18 September 2018
    Abstract: Urban spatial expansion and population suburbanization are very common after urban growth to a certain stage, and also an important research topic of human geographer. Chinese cities have experienced unprecedented growth since the lunch of reforms in the late 1990s. Studies have found that the leading cities in China such as Beijing and Shanghai ar... Show More