American Journal of Applied Mathematics

Special Issue

Molecular Cellular Information Mathematics-Differential Incremental Equilibrium Geometry

  • Submission Deadline: 1 April 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Zhu Rong Rong
About This Special Issue
The research direction of this paper is to study the interdisciplinary subjects of life science, mathematics and computer science at the molecular level from the life science Molecular Cell Biology. On the basis of mathematical primitive innovation "Differential Incremental Balanced Geometry", the cell modification of normal chromosome mitosis was established at the molecular level, and the normal cell tissue spatial morphology with initial boundary was established. DNA is used to unravel double helix and separate double strands to solve the protein skeleton structure of bi-directional Semi-Reserved replication of cyclic chromosomes in life sciences at the molecular level. Therefore, it establishes and reveals the duplication fork and bidirectional duplication of molecular cell biology model, the internal structure and regularity of cyclic chromosomes bound by cyclic DNA double helix and many proteins.

Aims and Scope:

  1. Ring chromosomes
  2. Chromosome mitosis
  3. Molecular cytobiology
  4. Spatial folding of protein particles
  5. Cell modification
  6. Bidirectional Semi-Reserved replication
Lead Guest Editor
  • Zhu Rong Rong

    Fudan University, Shanghai, China