Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science

Special Issue

Coastal Hazard and Vulnerability

  • Submission Deadline: 30 April 2016
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Nilay Kanti Barman
About This Special Issue
Coastal ecological unit, such as wetlands, beaches, lagoon, estuaries, sand dunes and mangroves is always performing several parallel systems such as provide rich swamping and breeding grounds for marine creatures, feeding grounds for birds, recreational grounds for tourists and available resources for the local communities. These ecosystems are endangered by development related activities along the entire coast of the world. Coastal zones are also exposed to assortment of hazards due to contacts between marine and terrestrial systems with respect to hazardous processes and complexities of coastal areas (in terms of geology, geomorphology, hydrology, ecology, economy, sociology etc.). Well developed scientific methods have been used to analyze hazards which engross various steps like data collection, data arrange, data analysis etc. Results of hazard data analysis are presented in the form of hazard maps. Such maps provide information on the probable extent of the hazards and their impacts in combination. The dramatic increase in losses and casualties due to natural disasters like wind, storms surge induced flooding, seismic hazards and tsunami incidence of coasts during the previous decades has provoked a major national scientific enterprise into the probable causes and possible mitigation strategies. However, the instantaneous attention of research is required to analyze the coastal hazards and distress of the country after anticipating the changes and impacts of extreme weather hazards as a result of global climate change and local sea level change.

Aims and Scope:

The perspective of growing significance of the coastal zones due to high efficiency of ecosystem, increasing absorption of population, industrial development, more intensive resource exploitation, intensifying recreational activities are apprehension about coastal hazards has amplified and there is a require for effective coastal management to reduce these impacts of disaster events. Present endeavour aims to determine the coastal hazard severity associated with coastal vulnerability and coastal risk for formulating the appropriate sustainable coastal protection measures. The work also focussed on man-made coastal interventions and natural hazards – cyclone, storm surge, sea-erosion, coastal inundation, sea-water ingression, depletion of coastal resources, etc. and also aimed at establishing such measures, which could help reduction of occurrences and minimization of adverse impacts of these hazards, appreciating that any progress of local, regional, national or global sustainable development, in the larger context, would be a misnomer without having deep insight into the methods of protection, proper risk assessment and efficient management.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Nilay Kanti Barman

    Department of Geography, Hijli College, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, India

Guest Editors
  • Soumendu Chatterjee

    Department of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata, India

  • Lakshinarayan Satpati

    Department of Geography, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India

  • Biswajit Bera

    Department of Geography, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, India

  • Amit Dhordhe

    Department of Geography, University of Pune, Pune, India

  • Padmini Pani

    Department of Geography, Jawaharlal University, Delhi, India