American Journal of Physics and Applications

Special Issue

Physics Reports

  • Submission Deadline: 30 May 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Barnabas A Ikyo
About This Special Issue
Publishing of academic work is important but can be challenging if researchers don’t have a place to publish. Even though focused topical issues are good, presenting a broad and comprehensive platform for researchers is also important. This special issue captures report on all current works in both theoretical and applied Physics. The issue will capture reports of experimental work on Energy Physics; this includes advances in solar energy and biofuels. Environmental Physics will cover aspects of sensing, effluent dispersion, noise pollution, and general aspects of health Physics. Solid state Physics involving crystallography semiconductor device Physics, lasers and applications, photodetector and light emitting diodes. There shall be special reports which will be given wider coverage while other three to five page reports will also be captured. Reviews and editorials on hot topics will also be reported in the issue. Submissions will be considered on relevance and merit within the field of Physics.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Barnabas A Ikyo

    Department of Physics, Benue State University, Makurdi, Nigeria

Guest Editors
  • Eloy Ayer

    Department of Sciences, Columbia University, Los Angeles, United States