Advances in Bioscience and Bioengineering

Special Issue

Recombinant Vaccine Technologies: From Experimental Levels to Commercial Products

  • Submission Deadline: 30 September 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Mohsen Aali
About This Special Issue
Development of vaccination as a tool in fighting disease has resulted in the potential to combat almost all infec¬tious agents affecting people and ani¬mals. Vaccination usually is accom¬plished with either weakened or attenu¬ated live agents; with inactivated agents that no longer can cause disease; or with selected, immunogenic parts of the disease agent called subunit vaccines. Traditional methods of creating vac¬cines include using a similar agent that does not cause disease, or passing a pathogenic disease agent through a laboratory host system to weaken or attenuate the agent. Inactivating the disease agent with one or more chemicals also can be used to create vaccines. In addition, extracting, purifying, and using one or more parts of the disease agent can be used to in¬duce a protective immune response. Although vaccination has saved countless lives, it can have both favor¬able and unfavorable consequences. Some traditional vaccines, specifically live vac¬cines, can revert back to pathogenic or¬ganisms and produce disease or, in some instances, even death. The development biotechnology, specifically recombinant DNA (rDNA) technologies, has provided new ways of attenuating disease agents by manipulating their genetic makeup, genes, or ge¬nomes, to create safer, more efficacious vaccines. Using rDNA technologies, scientists have been able to develop several types of recombinant vaccines: (1) live geneti¬cally modified organisms, (2) recombi¬nant inactivated (“killed”) vaccines, and (3) genetic vaccines. These vaccines no longer cause disease, but still induce a strong immune response. Paralleling the development of new, more efficacious, stable, and safe recombinant vaccines has been the study of immunostimulating adju¬vant compounds that enhance the im¬mune response. New efforts need to target the development of vaccines for diseases for which poorly effective vac¬cines are currently in use and also economi¬cally important diseases for which no currently available vaccines exist advances in recombinant DNA technology, in knowledge of the host immune re¬sponse, and in the genetic makeup of disease agents will lead to new vac¬cines against diseases that currently have few or no control measures. Original research papers are solicited in any aspect of recombinant vaccine technology.

Aims and Scope:
Recombinant Human Vaccines - infectious diseases
Recombinant Human Vaccines - non-infectious diseases
Recombinant Veterinary Vaccines
Recombinant Vectors and Adjuvants
Production, manufacturing
Recombinant Vaccine Safety
Lead Guest Editor
  • Mohsen Aali

    Genomics Lab, Biotechnology Department, Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Karaj, Iran

Guest Editors
  • Khosrow Aghaiypour

    Biotechnology Department, Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute, Karaj, Iran