American Journal of Chemical Engineering

Special Issue

Optical and Imagining Measurements in Chemical Engineering

  • Submission Deadline: 30 July 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Saba A. Gheni
About This Special Issue
Chemical Engineering Science provides a general frame work of use in mathematical biology and medicine: The requirement of quantitative, albeit descriptive, models has been increasing in the last years to cope with the multitude of clinical and biological data. Imaging and optical measurements are modern techniques to assess the illnesses of chemical reactors and organs. It is already started with a basic application on simple reactors. Now, every day there is a new development and application on different type of reactor and different flow mode. This issue will focus on recent research related to implantation of imagining and optical measurements on biology and chemical reactors.

Aims and Scope:

1. Optical measurements in chemical reactors
2. Imagining measurements in biology
3. Modeling of imaging and hydrodynamics parameters
4. The accuracy of measurements
5. Validation methods of optical measurement
Lead Guest Editor
  • Saba A. Gheni

    College of Engineering, University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri, USA, United States