International Journal of Law and Society

Special Issue

Independent Applied Research in the Field of Criminal Investigation

  • Submission Deadline: 15 July 2021
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Neculai Zamfirescu
About This Special Issue
The intended objective of the special issue is to present, support and widely promote independent applied research in the field of criminal investigation.
"Let's see as true only what obviously appears to us to be true", this is the desideratum of the independent criminal investigation. Of course, this goes along with the Cartesian exhortation supported by the method of restructuring science, which is of restructuring research results that reflect states of tension, the existence of several meanings or ambiguous meaning. Through this method, the independent criminal investigation ensures the objectification of the operations regarding the discoveries of the perpetrators of the criminal actions, and of unknown truths.
Although independent criminal investigation has critical connotations, it is not and should not be seen as an activity that opposes the results of the investigation carried out by the judiciary, but on the contrary it appears to be a necessity, a process of extrapolation of the results of initial investigations, content and conclusions of expert documents which supports the content of the evidence as a whole (favorable or unfavorable). Through its very purpose, independent criminal investigation supports the slogan "justice is the concept of the science of law, more justice is the concept of the science of criminal investigation."
The specific objectives relate to the restructuring of the contents and conclusions of some research reports on the work table of the research center. Thus the first eight invited editors (members of the team of our research center) according to their area of expertise will study by observation and reasoning the evidentiary procedures and the means of proof, to verify if they have the light to highlight the real truth, supporting either guilt or innocence of the accused.
By using traditional logic and critical thinking, the independent researcher will be able to identify the focus of criminal investigation, issue opinions and make interpretations with care being taken to avoid confusion, contradictions, unproven statements that may lead to misperceptions in the mind of the judge.
I think that the works of the first guest editors will draw attention to the method of restructuring science, especially in criminal cases left with unknown authors, cases pending in various archives. I also believe that interest in "removing the tragedy of suffering for another's deed" is able to attract participatory reactions from a significant number of researchers, a number that may allow the launch of a new journal "International Journal of Applied Criminal Investigations".
Aims and Scope:
  1. Identifying a criminal field
  2. Reconstruction of a crime scene
  3. Applications of legal linguistics, forensic linguistics
  4. Biomechanics of traumatic injuries
  5. The value of blood alcohol - means of proof and identification
  6. Inanimate testimonies
  7. Criminal systems and the criminal message
  8. Criminal Investigation Library
Lead Guest Editor
  • Neculai Zamfirescu

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

Guest Editors
  • Ionut Capota

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Andreea Zamfirescu

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Cornelia Georgiana Alexandru

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Ştefania Selegian

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Laurentiu Selegian

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Alexandra Petre Zamfirescu

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Oana Maria Zamfirescu

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

  • Gunita Foarfeca

    Center for Research in Legal Ethics and Applied Criminal Investigations, Romanian Society of Researchers in Judicial Strategies, Râmnicu Sărat, Romania