International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics

Special Issue

Functional Analysis, C*-Algebras, Operator Theory

  • Submission Deadline: 10 January 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Morteza Kardel
About This Special Issue
Nowadays, studying on maps and operators that preserve some certain properties between linear spaces is one of the most attractive fields in pure and applied mathematics. The spaces can be of any kind of normed spaces or even operator spaces. Also, the property can be any algebraical or topological property.

Aims and Scope:

  1. Inner Product Spaces
  2. Normed Linear Spaces
  3. Orthogonality in Normed Spaces
  4. Preserving Maps
  5. C*-algebras
  6. Hilbert C*-modules
Lead Guest Editor
  • Morteza Kardel

    Islamic Azad University, Zabol, Iran