International Journal of Language and Linguistics

Special Issue

Conceptual Structures In Cognitive Linguistics

  • Submission Deadline: 30 September 2016
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Tayebeh Asgari
About This Special Issue
Conceptual structures in cognitive linguistics: One of the most important issues always being focused in cognitive linguistics is conceptual structures. Cognitive linguistics explores the interrelations and interactions between mind and language, two prominent conceptual structures. It is interested in exploring such questions as whether language impacts on condition or whether language emerges from non-linguistic functioning. Obviously, language and conceptual structures are purely abstract so the only way studying them is to study their usage. Cognitive linguistics concentrates on conceptual structures such as image schemas, metaphors, similes, conceptual metaphors and so on. These conceptual structures are not just used in poetry but in everyday language. So the best way considering them is to study the language people use both in spoken and written language. Interestingly, conceptual structures used by prominent poets in the past, are today used by people of technology age. That means that they are part of humans’ natural conceptual structures, that is why they have stayed fixed during the time.
Lead Guest Editor
  • Tayebeh Asgari

    Linguistics, Science and Research University, Tehran, Iran

Guest Editors
  • Zahra Hajhosseini

    Department of Linguistics, Azad University, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran