International Journal of Theater and Opera

Aims and Scope

International Journal of Theater and Opera is a scientific journal which publishes original research papers on all aspects of theater and opera. The primary goal of this new journal is to advance the scientific studies about theater, opera, and cinema too. This Journal is addressed not only to specialists, but also to passionate fans of theater, opera, and cinema.

The topics related to this journal include but are not limited to:

  • Theater: every type of theater: from the origins up today (for instance Shakespeare, Calderón, Goldoni, Ibsen, Pirandello, Brecht).
  • Opera: Italian melodrama, but also Mozart, Bizet, Wagner, etc. (as my nickname shows, my favorite opera is Die Zauberflöte).
  • Drama: every type of drama: western and eastern as well. Studies on religious drama, sacred drama, origins of drama, classical drama (from Aristophanes and Euripides to Plautus and Terence), middle ages drama, Japanese drama, Russian drama, and so on.
  • Movie theater: also known as cinema.

Guidelines for preparing your manuscript can be found in the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines. Once your manuscript is ready, you may proceed to the Submission page to complete the process.