American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2020

  • Frequency of ABO Blood Group and Rh (D) Negative Mothers Among Pregnant Women Attending at Antenatal Care Clinic of Sodo Health Center, SNNPR, Ethiopia

    Kebreab Paulos Chanko

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2020
    Pages: 10-14
    Received: 13 April 2020
    Accepted: 27 April 2020
    Published: 28 May 2020
    Abstract: Background: - Women need to find out their blood type at the start of their pregnancy. Blood will be taken to find out, and there are four different types: A, B, AB, and O. In addition to blood type, women can have Rh factor (specifically Rhesus D antigen), which is when proteins appear on the surface of the blood. Women who do have Rh factors are ... Show More
  • Pattern of Injuries in Patients Visiting Emergency Department of Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Hawassa, Ethiopia

    Thomas Fako, Mohammed Ayalew

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2020
    Pages: 15-19
    Received: 19 July 2019
    Accepted: 13 August 2019
    Published: 28 May 2020
    Abstract: Injuries are major public health problem globally. Each year over 5 million people around the world die as result of injury. Injuries are ranked among the leading cause of death and disability particularly in the low income and middle income countries where they are growing in significance. The general objective of this research was to assess patte... Show More
  • Risk Factors of Hypoparathyroidism After Thyroidectomy

    Zhou Ru, Wang Maofei, Shahabbas Enwer, Yuan Jianming, Wu Weize

    Issue: Volume 8, Issue 2, March 2020
    Pages: 20-24
    Received: 15 February 2020
    Published: 29 May 2020
    Abstract: [OBJECTIVE] Persistent hypocalcemia caused by long-term hypoparathyroidism can significantly reduce the living quality of patients. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible factors affecting postoperative hypoparathyroidism. [METHODS] This study retrospective collected thyroid surgery cases from January 2015 to December 2017 in Luwan B... Show More