Abstract: Ability to geminate is very important attributes of seed quality. Critical factors for germination include moisture, oxygen, temperature and light. In combination with the factor’s germination media and place to layout are very important. Germination test was conducted on Ashebeka variety of Faba bean. The aim of the study was to test the effect of different germination Condition on seedling anatomy and germination potential of the seed. Germination room (GR) with air conditioning, Germination chamber with Adjustable (Relative humidity, Temperature and light) and Normal room were used. 50seeds/germination box with four replication were panted using CRD design in each room. Germinated seed and its shoot length counting was started to recorded starting from after five days within 3 day interval (5th, 8th, 11th and 14th) of planting to observe effect of growing room on germination and it attributes. Finally, data collected was analyzed using Statistical software. The mean squares of each treatment reveal that there is a significant variation on germination and seedling attributes for all counting days due to growing room. Among treatment Germination room with air condition shows best performance both quantative and qualitative data. While germinating seed in growing chamber leads to increment of seedling/germinated seed due to mutation or another factor. Germinating seed under normal room also affect the situation due to temperature fluctuation.
Abstract: Ability to geminate is very important attributes of seed quality. Critical factors for germination include moisture, oxygen, temperature and light. In combination with the factor’s germination media and place to layout are very important. Germination test was conducted on Ashebeka variety of Faba bean. The aim of the study was to test the effect of...Show More