About This Special Issue
Agricultural production has been the subject of many theoretical and empirical debates. It is an old subject but one that is still relevant today, given the new phenomena that are the result of the transformation of nature by human beings. This include standards and the environment. Theoretical and empirical works have focused on the determinants of agricultural growth such as financial capital, land and size of the population. So far and to our knowledge, few studies have analysed the relationship between agricultural production and the environment. Most of them having studied the impact of agricultural production on the environment and not the reverse. While nowadays, pollution is becoming more and more intensive due to industrial growth (rejection of carbon dioxide by factories and air and land transportation, use and disposal in nature of non-biodegradable materials, anarchic urbanization,etc.); which has a considerable impact not only on production but also on the quality (standards) of agricultural goods, on which the health of consumers depends.
Thus, this special issue will focus on the consideration of standards and environment in the agricultural models in order to analyse the growth, return as well as the trade of agricultural products. In fact, the standards and environment are closely related. The use of pesticides to achieve high yields causes damage to the domestic environment. Similarly, the emission of carbon dioxide and the destruction of forests through bush fires cause environmental pollution. Nowadays, the fight of conservationists against the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is proof that the massive use of herbicides is harmful to human health. Goods produce in this unhealthy environment are subject to border rejections and/or price discounts due to the presence of standards on international markets.
This special issue will include inter-disciplinary studies on all aspects of the environment,standards and agriculture. The research articles will cover abroad range of topics such as agricultural growth, consumer and producer behaviors, final price of agricultural products, costs and benefits of standards, trade of agricultural products, agricultural policies, determinants and costs of compliance, role of WTO, fair trade, etc. Any type of article, including original research, opinions and reviews are greatly appreciated.
The special issue may include topics related to:
- 1. Standards, environment and sustainable development
- 2. Standards, environment and agricultural production, agricultural growth, agricultural return
- 3. Standards, environment and agricultural policies
- 4. Standards, environment and agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
- 5. Standards, environment and international trade of agricultural products
- 6. Standards, environment and the role of the WTO