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Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s Flower and Phylloclade Followed by the Study of Their Esterification with Citric Acid

Received: 24 November 2023     Accepted: 11 December 2023     Published: 8 January 2024
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The fatty acids played important roles in the organism and process. Some saturated fatty acids composed and important for the functioning of many cell membranes. There was also saturated fatty acids which are antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogen, anti-tumor and could protect the cardiovascular system by favoring the decrease of cholesterol rate. Some saturated fatty acids were used in process as emollient, flow agent, emulsifier, additives-surfactant, viscosity builder, co-emulsifier and internal/external lubricant in plastics. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids are in general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In consequence, the singularity of this manuscript aim is to identify and to quantify the fatty acids not only in the leaves-phylloclade of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum but also in its flower without pistil and etamines and in its pistil and etamines. Soxhlet assembly with hexane as solvent was used to extract the active fatty acids molecules in these different parts of the plant Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Chromatography phase gas analysis results gave the distribution of the fatty acids at their different parts-stems and affirmed the presence of lauric, myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. It was noticed that the arachidic acid was seen only in the flower, stamens and pistils and the gadoleic acid is seen only in the stamens and pistils and allowed to consider their capacities to improve heart health, to reduce inflammation as anti-inflammatory, to improve cognitive function, to be anticarcinogenic and to be used as detergent additive. The exploitation of these chromatography phase gas analysis results permitted to give the weight concentration of the different fatty acids (mg/g) in relation to the grinded sample and in relation to the initial fresh sample for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s flower with stamens and pistils and for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s phylloclade-leaves. Then, the esterification of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s different parts with citric acid were carried out on a reflux assembly and followed with time reaction in order not only to extract their active molecules like flavonoids, terpénoïdes, alkaloids and fatty acids but also to determine each plant part’s kinetics parameters seeing that their quantities were in excess in comparison with the citric acid quantities. The results showed that the initial kinetic constant k for the phylloclade and stamens/pistil respectively equals to 165,000 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] and 173,844 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] were very important than for the flower without stamens and pistil equals to 39,469 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] which were certainly due to their porosities and micro-canals.

Published in American Journal of Applied Chemistry (Volume 12, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajac.20241201.11
Page(s) 1-14
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Epiphyllum oxypetalum, Pistil, Stamen, Phylloclade, Fatty Acids, Esterification, Citric Acid, Kinetics Constants

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  • APA Style

    Rabeharitsara, A. T., Randriamanantena, N. I. E., Rahelivololoniain, B. R. A., Pierre, R., Ratsimba, H. M. (2024). Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s Flower and Phylloclade Followed by the Study of Their Esterification with Citric Acid. American Journal of Applied Chemistry, 12(1), 1-14.

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    ACS Style

    Rabeharitsara, A. T.; Randriamanantena, N. I. E.; Rahelivololoniain, B. R. A.; Pierre, R.; Ratsimba, H. M. Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s Flower and Phylloclade Followed by the Study of Their Esterification with Citric Acid. Am. J. Appl. Chem. 2024, 12(1), 1-14. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20241201.11

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    AMA Style

    Rabeharitsara AT, Randriamanantena NIE, Rahelivololoniain BRA, Pierre R, Ratsimba HM. Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s Flower and Phylloclade Followed by the Study of Their Esterification with Citric Acid. Am J Appl Chem. 2024;12(1):1-14. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20241201.11

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      title = {Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s Flower and Phylloclade Followed by the Study of Their Esterification with Citric Acid},
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      abstract = {The fatty acids played important roles in the organism and process. Some saturated fatty acids composed and important for the functioning of many cell membranes. There was also saturated fatty acids which are antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogen, anti-tumor and could protect the cardiovascular system by favoring the decrease of cholesterol rate. Some saturated fatty acids were used in process as emollient, flow agent, emulsifier, additives-surfactant, viscosity builder, co-emulsifier and internal/external lubricant in plastics. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids are in general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In consequence, the singularity of this manuscript aim is to identify and to quantify the fatty acids not only in the leaves-phylloclade of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum but also in its flower without pistil and etamines and in its pistil and etamines. Soxhlet assembly with hexane as solvent was used to extract the active fatty acids molecules in these different parts of the plant Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Chromatography phase gas analysis results gave the distribution of the fatty acids at their different parts-stems and affirmed the presence of lauric, myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. It was noticed that the arachidic acid was seen only in the flower, stamens and pistils and the gadoleic acid is seen only in the stamens and pistils and allowed to consider their capacities to improve heart health, to reduce inflammation as anti-inflammatory, to improve cognitive function, to be anticarcinogenic and to be used as detergent additive. The exploitation of these chromatography phase gas analysis results permitted to give the weight concentration of the different fatty acids (mg/g) in relation to the grinded sample and in relation to the initial fresh sample for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s flower with stamens and pistils and for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s phylloclade-leaves. Then, the esterification of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s different parts with citric acid were carried out on a reflux assembly and followed with time reaction in order not only to extract their active molecules like flavonoids, terpénoïdes, alkaloids and fatty acids but also to determine each plant part’s kinetics parameters seeing that their quantities were in excess in comparison with the citric acid quantities. The results showed that the initial kinetic constant k for the phylloclade and stamens/pistil respectively equals to 165,000 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] and 173,844 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] were very important than for the flower without stamens and pistil equals to 39,469 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] which were certainly due to their porosities and micro-canals.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Determination of the Fatty Acids in the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s Flower and Phylloclade Followed by the Study of Their Esterification with Citric Acid
    AU  - Andry Tahina Rabeharitsara
    AU  - Ny Idealy Elite Randriamanantena
    AU  - Baholy Robijaona a Rahelivololoniain
    AU  - Rakotomamonjy Pierre
    AU  - Hanitriniaina Marie Ratsimba
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    SN  - 2330-8745
    UR  -
    AB  - The fatty acids played important roles in the organism and process. Some saturated fatty acids composed and important for the functioning of many cell membranes. There was also saturated fatty acids which are antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-carcinogen, anti-tumor and could protect the cardiovascular system by favoring the decrease of cholesterol rate. Some saturated fatty acids were used in process as emollient, flow agent, emulsifier, additives-surfactant, viscosity builder, co-emulsifier and internal/external lubricant in plastics. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids are in general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In consequence, the singularity of this manuscript aim is to identify and to quantify the fatty acids not only in the leaves-phylloclade of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum but also in its flower without pistil and etamines and in its pistil and etamines. Soxhlet assembly with hexane as solvent was used to extract the active fatty acids molecules in these different parts of the plant Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Chromatography phase gas analysis results gave the distribution of the fatty acids at their different parts-stems and affirmed the presence of lauric, myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. It was noticed that the arachidic acid was seen only in the flower, stamens and pistils and the gadoleic acid is seen only in the stamens and pistils and allowed to consider their capacities to improve heart health, to reduce inflammation as anti-inflammatory, to improve cognitive function, to be anticarcinogenic and to be used as detergent additive. The exploitation of these chromatography phase gas analysis results permitted to give the weight concentration of the different fatty acids (mg/g) in relation to the grinded sample and in relation to the initial fresh sample for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s flower with stamens and pistils and for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s phylloclade-leaves. Then, the esterification of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum’s different parts with citric acid were carried out on a reflux assembly and followed with time reaction in order not only to extract their active molecules like flavonoids, terpénoïdes, alkaloids and fatty acids but also to determine each plant part’s kinetics parameters seeing that their quantities were in excess in comparison with the citric acid quantities. The results showed that the initial kinetic constant k for the phylloclade and stamens/pistil respectively equals to 165,000 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] and 173,844 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] were very important than for the flower without stamens and pistil equals to 39,469 [L2×mol-2×mn-1] which were certainly due to their porosities and micro-canals.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 1
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Author Information
  • Chemical Process Engineering Department (E. S. P. A), Antananarivo University, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Chemical Process Engineering Department (E. S. P. A), Antananarivo University, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Chemical Process Engineering Department (E. S. P. A), Antananarivo University, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Chemical Process Engineering Department (E. S. P. A), Antananarivo University, Antananarivo, Madagascar

  • Chemical Process Engineering Department (E. S. P. A), Antananarivo University, Antananarivo, Madagascar

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